Headstone and Memorial Masons in Tuxford

Mobile Number: 07825 419044

Choosing your headstone 

You need to keep in mind a few things when choosing the memorial you wish for a loved one. But the first thing you must do is take your time to ensure you select the one you like as remember its a lifetime choice.

Also, when choosing the inscription , make sure it sums it up about them. You could put a quote from a book or a poem you two liked or designs that they would of liked. It can be as personal or impersonal as you like. You can choose the shape and colour of the memorial too.

Other things need to be kept in mind, but these are the most important for now. 

Lawn Headstone Memorials Tuxford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

 Lawn Memorials

grassthorpe style memorial

Beautiful calla lily design enhanced with pin lines. This is Kerala Green Granite.


Polished Black Granite Headstone with wildflower border design.


Polished Light Grey Granite headstone with calla lily border design.


Oriental style artwork with koi carp, made from Polished Black Granite.


Hand-carved wings around a heart, making it a unique headstone.

Claddagh Ring

Beautiful hand-carved Ring; a symbol of love, loyalty and friendship.


All polished headstone with two beautiful detailed love birds inset.


The scenery can be copied from a photo of your special place.

Cherry Tree

Weeping cherry branch artwork complements the tear drop profiled columns of Blue Eyes Granite.

To The Moon & Back

The modern design on this Polished Black Granite half of headstone is embellished with crystals to make it sparkle.


Elegantly-shaped memorial with recessed side panels showing tulip design, which can be a flower of your choice.

Golden Oak (Left) / Oak Tree (Right)

Sparkling Crystals enhance the design on both headstones.


Heart shaped memorial with carved roses

Left is polished black;  right is Volga blue Granite with antique-finish roses.

If you are looking for lawn memorials contact us today. Call 07825419044 to discuss your requirements.